Jangsa Animal Saving Trust with its team successfully conducted its holistic educative advocacy program, Zhiwai-Lamtoen II in 7 different venues this year. With this, it is the second time ever since Jangsa started conducting Zhiwai Lamtoen- “The path of peace.”
Zhiwai-Lamtoen basically presents the following: Spiritual discourse, a ‘Vajra Song’ composed by H.H Kyabje Je Khenpo, Scientific presentations, theatre titled “Aiee,” on the theme of the birth and death of compassion, documentary screenings of Drowai Dungyel and Zhiwai-Lamtoen I along with video presentations by Ven. Lama Matthieu Ricard and Smt. Maneka Gandhi.
The program this year started on 3rd of November from Royal Institute of Health Science (RIHS), followed by College of Science and Technology (CST), Gaeddu College of Business Studies (GCBS), Royal Institute of Management (RIM), College of Natural Resources (CNR), National Institute of Traditional Medicine (NITM) National Institute of Zorig Chusum and finally in Gelephu at Pema Yoedling Vajralilaya monastery.
From these seven different venues a total of 3408 individuals constituting of students, trainees, teachers, monks, local people and leaders attended the program and more than 2000 attendees from these venues committed to be vegetarian, during auspicious days and months, for one year, for three years and remarkable number of participants for a life time of vegetarianism.
While the consistency and sustainability of such an empathic response can be questioned, there is no denying the firm impression that has been set in the habitual patterns of individuals and institutions. It is also undeniable that such conscious commitments would have not only saved lives of many mother-like animals at present and in future but will also establish firm individual spirituality, good health, environment, physiology as well as psychology.
Moreover, as per, Lama Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche, founder of Jangsa Animal Saving Trust “Even if our program results in avoiding harm to just one animal in our world, and we are only able to sow the seed of auspiciousness and Bodhicitta in only one person, even so – the benefits will be immeasurable, and a cause for rejoicing for all.”
However, we attribute this overwhelming success to the support and appreciation from all the attendees from seven venues and a dedicated team members of Zhiwai-Lamtoen.
This year we were particularly privileged to have HRH Ashi Namzay on board as the most valuable part of Zhiwai-Lamtoen team. We would like to extend our most humbled gratitude to HRH Ashi Namzay for her selfless voluntarily service for helping us exhibit scientific perspectives on the global holistic impacts of food choices, from health, environment, aesthetics, physiologcal to psychological impacts,
Not to forget we would like to thank Bhutan Foundation, Druk Green Power Corporation and Chasing Raven: A Journey without goal for generously funding for the conduct of Zhiwai Lamtoen.
Lastly, May auspicious reign always in our beloved Dharma Kingdom.